MM: It would depend on how willing people are to suddenly accept such news, be that believers or non-believers. But, it should not take away from the fundamental message of kindness and compassion that all the religions - at their best - teach. The Catholic Church, for example, reminds people these so-called "aliens" should be considered our brothers. Everybody may take another look at religious teachings if they suddenly were convinced that superior, scientific beings were the original sources of these teachings, as polluted by human thinking as these teachings may have become over time.
Q: What about demons?
MM: Bad aliens, fallen angles, etc?
Q: Well, possible.
MM: Good aliens and bad aliens - even among "superior beings"? It would not be surprising.
Q: People would be very afraid, and others very excited. I am not sure how I would feel. Mostly confused, I guess.
MM: Try not to be afraid, and don't bother with "confused". For that you need to know your center. Practice meditation. Your very center is where you meet the truth - the true God. This "true God"- is not alien at all. Not a "he", a "she", nor an "it", but intimately familiar. All fear and confusion ends.