Friday, July 24, 2009


Q: I have been meditating for years with good results regarding being able to calm my mind, but in day-to-day life I cannot get over feeling envious of others when they are wealthier, prettier or smarter than me...even when meditating I feel competitive about "who is the best meditator" in the teacher's eyes. How do I conquer this?

MM: Forget words like envious, greedy, etc. When you feel that way watch your body. You will notice that it is full of little tensions. Just like relaxing a clenched fist, simply relax that tension. In your case, let go of watching your mind and fully concentrate on body tensions and relaxation. That is all it is. The mind contributes to creating these tensions, but in some people the tension in the body is first and the mind fills in with "reasons". In your case, you need to relax your body.

Q: So it isn't an issue of character?

MM: In your case, no.

Q: But why do I feel like I have a bad character to be so easily moved to envy?

MM: Because you are of good character!

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